The Organizing Committee cordially invites you to participate in the 19th European Symposium of Organic Chemistry in 2015 (ESOC2015), to be held from the 12th to the 16th of July at the Universidade de Lisboa.
This conference aims at stimulating new emerging areas in organic chemistry, namely those related to organic electronics for chemical sensing, photopharmacology, vaccines, organic synthesis and catalysis. Contributions to the areas of carbohydrates and proteins, natural product organic chemistry and materials, in particular those relevant to industry, e.g. to food and pharmaceutical industries are also very welcome, based on their usefulness for a healthy life and a better ageing.
We are very grateful to all our speakers for accepting our invitation to present their latest findings in their area of research, and we name:
Carlos A. M. Afonso, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Lisbon, Portugal
From biorenewable resources to heterocycles
Marco Bandini, Università di Bologna,Italy
New opportunities for the stereoselective dearomatization of indoles
Ruben Martin, Institute of Chemical Research of Catalonia, Spain
Metal-catalyzed reductive carboxylation with CO2
We are particularly grateful to Dr. Haymo Ross, the Editor of the European Journal of Organic Chemistry for the creation of the EurJOC Young Researcher Award, which 1st edition will take place in ESOC2015.
Prof. Ilan Marek, Chief Editor of the PATAI series, is also gratefully acknowledged for the creation of the PATAI RAPPOPORT Lecture, an award given for the first time also in ESOC2015.
Bringing together scientists, industrials and students with expertise in a diversity of areas covering organic chemistry, this symposium is a unique opportunity not only to share the most recent results but also to foster new collaborations between academic and industrial partners, offering also new perspectives for business opportunities and innovation in Europe.
Welcome to ESOC2015, welcome to the Universidade de Lisboa
Amélia Pilar Rauter
The European Symposium of Organic Chemistry (ESOC) is a biannual event, first held in Cologne (Germany) in 1979. ESOC offers plenary and invited lectures, oral presentations and poster sessions, and brings together experts from Academia and Industry, and students whose research covers Organic Chemistry and related areas. The last ESOC was held in Marseille, France (ESOC18), and we highlight below the plenary, invited and young talented speakers of this meeting. The information about previous ESOC meetings, including the names of their speakers is also given, demonstrating the excellence of these symposia, that were held all over Europe. The 19th European Symposium of Organic Chemistry will now take place in Lisbon, a historical city facing the ocean, near the most occidental point of the European continent.
Intl. Board: M. Malacria
Congress Chair: Jean-A. Rodriguez
Invited Lectures
Antoine Baceiredo, University Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France • King Kuok (Mimi) Hii - Imperial College London, United kingdom • Oliver Seitz, Humboldt University Berlin, Germany • Snorri Sigurdsson, University of Iceland, Iceland • Doron Shabat, Tel Aviv University, Israel • Jeffrey Bode, ETH Zürich, Switzerland • Pablo Ballester, Institute of Chemical research of Catalonia, Spain • Tibor Soós, Research Center for Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary • Adriaan Minnaard, University of Groningen, The Netherlands • Belen Martin-Matute, Stockholm, University, Sweden
Intl. Board: M. Malacria
Congress Chair: M. Orfanopoulos
Intl. board: I. Marek
Congress Chair: I. Stary
Intl. Board: Guy Lloyd-Jones
Congress Chair: Pat Guiry
Intl. Board: C. Moberg
Congress Chair: K. Wahala
Intl. board: V. Sunjic
Congress Chair: V. Sunjic
Intl. board: B. L. Feringa
Congress Chair: V. B. L. Feringa
Intl. board: P. Ahlberg
Congress Chair: P. Ahlberg
Intl. board: C. Tamm
Congress Chair: C. Tamm
Intl. board: M. Mikolajczyk Congress Chair: M. Makosza
Intl. board: J. Font Congress Chair: J. Font
Intl. board: A. Krieft Congress Chair: A. Krieft
Intl. board: D. Sunko Congress Chair: D. Vitorovic
Intl. board: D. Ginsburg Congress Chair: I. Willner
Intl. board: J. Metzger Congress Chair: D. Bouin
Intl. board: C. L. Stirling Congress Chair: R. F. Hudson
Intl. board: C. Modena Congress Chair: C. Modena
Intl. board: W. Walter Congress Chair: E. Vogel
Antonio M. Echavarren, President of the European Society of Organic Chemistry, Institut Català d’Investigació Química, Spain
Patrick Guiry, Vice-President of the European Society of Organic Chemistry, University College Dublin, Ireland
Valentin P. Ananikov, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Thorsten Bach, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany
José Cavaleiro, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Doron Shabat, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Vitor Freitas, Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Lise-L. Gundersen, University of Oslo, Norway
Ana Lobo, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Marco Lucarini, Università di Bologna, Italy
Adriaan J. Minnaard, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
Teresa Pinho e Melo, Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Fernanda Proença, Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Amélia P. Rauter, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Jean Rodriguez, University of Aix-Marseille, France
Artur S. Silva, Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Ivo Stary, Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry ASCR, Czech Republic
Manolis Stratakis, University of Crete, Greece
Helma Wennemers, ETH, Zuerich, Switzerland
Chaired by His Excellency the President of the Portuguese Republic, Aníbal Cavaco Silva
António Manuel da Cruz Serra, Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa
Nuno Crato, Minister for Education and Science
Paulo de Macedo, Minister for Health
Fernando Medina, Mayor of Lisbon City Council
Leonor Parreira, Secretary of State for Science
José Ferreira Gomes, Secretary of State for Higher Education
Augusto Guedes, President of the College of Technical Engineers
Rogério Gaspar, Vice-Rector of the Universidade de Lisboa
Maria Arménia Carrondo, President of the National Funding Agency for Science, Research and Technology
João Afonso, Deputy Mayor for Social Rights of Lisbon City
Pedro Grilo, Policy Advisor of the Deputy Mayor for Social Rights, Lisbon City Council
Teresa Almeida, Director of Mission Team Lisbon/Europe 2020
José Artur Martinho Simões, Director of the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
José Manuel Rebordão, Subdirector of the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Ana Ponces,, President of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Matilde Fonseca e Castro, President of the Scientific Council of the Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade de Lisboa
David Cole Hamilton, President of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences
Alexander Gabibov, Chair of Federation of European Biochemical Societies Executive Committee
Haymo Ross, Editor of The European Journal of Organic Chemistry
Hugh Burrows, Editor of Pure and Applied Chemistry
Ilan Marek, President of the European Association for Chemical and Molecular Sciences Organic Division
Mary Garson, President of International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry Division (III) on Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry
Jesus Jimenéz Barbero, President of the Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry
Maria José Calhorda, President of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry and Coordinator of the Center of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Marek Chmielewski, Vice-President of the Polish Academy of Sciences (2011-2014), Poland
Helder Mota-Filipe, Vice-President of INFARMED
João Sérgio Seixas de Melo, Secretary General of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry
Carlos Afonso, President of the Organic Chemistry Division of the Portuguese Society of Chemistry
José Pereira Miguel, EIT Health/InnoStars coordinator for Education, Member of WHO European Advisory Committee on Health Research, Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa
João Gorjão Clara, Coordinator of the Geriatric University Unit from the Lisbon Medical College /Academic Medical Center/ Hospital Centre of North of Lisbon, Board Member of the Geriatric Section of the Union European Medical Specialists”, and Full Board Member of the European Union Geriatric Medicine Society
Sean Krakiwsky, President & CEO of Nanalysis, Canada
Nuno Lourenço, Director of Clarke, Modet &Cº Patent Office
Walter Magnus, Head of Chemistry at Eli Lilly and Company, UK
Luís Portela, President of BIAL Board of Directors
Jorge Ruas da Silva, Chairman of TECNIMEDE GROUP
Maria do Carmo Ruas da Silva, CEO of TECNIMEDE GROUP
Patrício Soares da Silva, Director of BIAL Department for Research and Development
Peter Villax, member of Hovione Board of Directors, VP Innovation
Claudia Vaz, Hovione Director of Innovation
João Manuel Dias de Sousa, President of the Board of Directors of Jacqueline Dias de Sousa Foundation
Manuel Fernandes, Cipan Plant Manager
Dália Barbosa, Head of CIPAN Department for Research & Development
Beining Chen, Head of PCBNet – Stem Cells, Prion Protein and Alzheimer´s Disease: A Prion Chemical Biology Network (2012-2014)
Ramon Estevez, Decane of the Faculty of Chemistry, University of Santiago de Compostela
Bernardo Herold, Emeritus Professor of Technical University of Lisbon
Maria João Alegria, Research Manager at SUMOL+COMPAL
Amélia P. Rauter, Chairperson, Universidade de Lisboa
Andreia F. Almeida, Universidade de Lisboa
Tânia Almeida, Universidade Lusófona
Joana Araújo, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Maria-Eduarda Araújo, Universidade de Lisboa
Daniela Batista, Universidade de Lisboa
João Bordado, Universidade de Lisboa
Carlos Borges, Universidade de Lisboa
Anthony Burke, Universidade de Évora
Vasco Cachatra, Universidade de Lisboa
Maria-Lurdes Cristiano, Universidade do Algarve
Maria von Cupper, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Catarina Dias, Universidade de Lisboa
José A. Figueiredo, Universidade da Beira Interior
Andreia Fortuna
Rui Freitas
Helena Gaspar, Universidade de Lisboa
Pedro Góis, Universidade de Lisboa
Isabel Ismael, Universidade da Beira Interior
Jorge Justino, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
Susana Lucas, Universidade de Lisboa
Alice Martins, Universidade de Lisboa
Filomena Martins, Universidade de Lisboa
Vitor Martins
Ana-Marta Matos, Universidade de Lisboa
Cristopher Maycock, Universidade de Lisboa
Cristina Moiteiro, Universidade de Lisboa
Rui Moreira, Universidade de Lisboa
Rafael Nunes, Universidade de Lisboa
João P. Pais, Universidade de Lisboa
Ana P. Paiva, Universidade de Lisboa
Mariana Patrão
Luísa Roseiro, Laboratório Nacional de Energia e Geologia
Maria-Soledade Santos, Universidade de Lisboa
Susana Santos, Universidade de Lisboa
Patrícia Serra, Universidade de Lisboa
Marta Sousa Silva, Universidade de Lisboa
Ana R. Xavier, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
Nuno M. Xavier, Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa
The scientific program aims at stimulating new emerging areas in organic chemistry, namely those related to organic electronics for chemical sensing, photopharmacology, vaccines, synthesis and catalysis. Contributions to organic/bioorganic chemistry topics e.g. in the areas of carbohydrates and proteins, natural products, small molecule and polymer chemistry, medicinal chemistry, food chemistry, are also very welcome, aiming at demonstrating the importance of organic chemistry research for new developments and innovation in a broad range of applications.
Contributions on the following topics are welcome:
Authors of plenary and invited lectures, and oral communications are invited to submit a paper to the IUPAC journal Pure and Applied Chemistry, that will dedicate an issue to ESOC 2015. Manuscript submission and review will proceed following the journal policy and submission deadline is October 31, 2015.
The authors are requested to send ESOC 2015 chair (Prof. Amélia Pilar Rauter) the title of their manuscript until the end of August.
In ESOC 2015, three Awards will be given, namely the PATAI-RAPPOPORT LECTURE AWARD, The EurJOC YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD and the EuCheMS LECTURE AWARD.
The EuCheMS Lecture Award honours outstanding achievements by a European chemist. It also serves to enhance the image of European chemistry and to promote scientific cooperation in Europe. The 2014 EuCheMS Lecture Award was co-attributed to Prof. Christina Moberg and her lecture on the topic “Recycling in Asymmetric Catalysis” will be the Closing Lecture of ESOC 2015.
For the first time, the EurJOC YOUNG RESEARCHER AWARD is awarded on behalf of ChemPubSoc Europe, the organization of chemical societies that co-own the European Journal of Organic Chemistry. By recognizing excellence in research in Organic Chemistry by a young researcher, this award will motivate the young generation of organic chemists to continuing research in this scientific area and will stimulate them to strive for excellence when conducting research.
Clarke, Modet & C Portugal Awards
The following awards will be given by Clarke, Modet & C Portugal to ESOC 2015 participants:
Registration Fees | ||||
Category | Price before April 30, 2015 (€) | Price after April 30, 2015 (€) | ||
member of EuCheMS societies and IUPAC members |
non-members | member of EuCheMS societies and IUPAC members |
non-members | |
Registration fee | 530 | 570 | 580 | 645 |
Students and post-Docs | 240 | 275 | 265 | 300 |
Accompanying person fee | 175 |
Registration fee
includes congress documentation, coffee breaks, lunches, Welcome Cocktail and conference dinner
Accompanying person fee
includes lunches, coffee-breaks, welcome reception and conference dinner
Abstract Submission for Posters is extended until June 15,2015. Only one contribution per registration will be accepted.
Steps for abstract(s) submission and Instructions
A one A4 page abstract, prepared according to these instructions, should be submitted online not later than the 31th of May, 2015. Please do not forget to choose your scientific area:
As Lisbon is a highly popular tourist destination Abreu has pre-blocked a limited number of rooms in different price categories.
Due to the high demand for accommodation, we strongly recommend you to book your hotel accommodation as early as possible.
HOTEL NAME | Category |
Single Room / Double Room € |
Location & Underground Station |
Underground (Metro) Line |
Vip Grand Hotel | 5 * | 82/92 | Campo Pequeno | Yellow |
Lutecia Smart Design Hotel | 4 * | 70/80 | Av. Roma | Green |
VIP Executive Villa Rica Hotel | 4 * | 78/85 | Entrecampos | Yellow |
Radisson Blu Hotel Lisbon | 4 * | 82/92 | Campo Grandes | Yellow and Green |
Sana Metropolitan Hotel | 4 * | 75/85 | Cidade Universitária | Yellow |
Holiday Inn Continental | 4 * | 82/92 | Campo Pequeno | Yellow |
Turim Ibéria Hotel | 4 * | 75/78 | Campo Pequeno | Yellow |
Hotel 3k Barcelona | 4 * | 79/93 | Campo Pequeno | Yellow |
Hotel 3k Europa | 4 * | 94/105 | Campo Grande | Yellow |
VIP Executive Saldanha Hotel | 4 * | 85/95 | Saldanha | Yellow and Red |
Olissipo Saldanha Hotel | 4 * | 90/100 | Saldanha | Yellow and Red |
Hotel Lutecia Smart Design | 4 * | 75/85 | Areiro-Roma | Green |
Hotel Roma | 3 * | 65/70 | Av. de Roma | Green |
Vip Executive Zurique Hotel | 3 * | 58/65 | Campo Pequeno | Yellow |
Prices per room, per night with breakfast buffet included and taxes. ONLINE BOOKING |
If you are looking for a Hostel we are pleased to give you some suggestions and book your stay More detailed information
Agência Abreu
Please send us your request to
For more information about these options or for more information about other accommodation options please contact:
Márcia Martins |
Nuno Pinto
All conference attendees are advised to arrange private travel insurance. The conference organizers and committee accept no liability for personal accidents or damage to property. The organizing committee of ESOC XIX reserves the right to amend and/or alter the conference program without prior notice.
The meeting will take place in the Rectory building of the University (Reitoria da Universidade de Lisboa).
The University of Lisbon can be easily reached from the airport by taxi (ca. 8 euros) and from the city centre also by taxi or by metro (underground) or bus. Some of the conference hotels are located within a walking distance. The joint fleet of the two public transportation companies, Metro (underground) and Carris (buses and trams), covers the entire city.
Lisbon is the capital of Portugal and lies on the north bank of the Tagus Estuary, on the European Atlantic coast. Lisbon is Europe's second-oldest capital (after Athens).
Lisbon is an illuminated city. The almost constant presence of sunshine and the River Tagus transforms the Portuguese capital into a mirror of a thousand colours - highlighting the city’s unique architecture and beauty.
As you walk through Lisbon - whose history spans back thousands of years - you will find streets filled with heritage monuments, and characteristic neighbourhoods where the city first developed and can still be experienced at its most genuine level.
Additional regional highlights, including the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Sintra, and the Estoril/Cascais coastline including the dramatic cliffs of Cape Roca, the Westernmost point on the European continent.
Visit the website of The Turismo de Lisboa for a detailed list of happenings around town.
Official Portugal Tourism Site
Abreu Travel Agency can provide you a quotation for your Flight Tickets.
1. Taxi
Lisbon Airport is very close to the centre of the city, so you can be at your hotel within minutes of arriving in Lisbon.
Taxis in Lisbon are relatively cheap and convenient. You can catch a taxi from outside the terminal.
It will cost between 8€ and 15€ to reach the city centre; with an extra cost if you travel late at night and with luggage. Make sure you ask for a receipt.
SPQ - Sociedade Portuguesa de Química - Secretariat/Payments/Billing
General Information - Organization/Program
Social Program
Sunday, 12: Welcome Cocktail - 19h
Tuesday 14: Gala dinner - 20h30
Wednesday 15: Optional tours.
Symposium delegates and accompanying persons are invited to select and book the tours organized by Agencia Abreu on Wednesday afternoon.
For delegates who wish to stay for the week end, other tours are also available.
Optional tours for Wednesday afternoon | Post-symposium tours